Online Resume

Once you've mastered the skills of a front end web developer you'll want to make a great first impression. You need a resume that stands out. The resume you build will not only help you build important skills, but will also make it easy to show employers why you’re perfect for the job. As you progress through this Nanodegree program you can update this resume with your new skills and projects.

Once you've mastered the skills of a front end web developer you'll want to make a great first impression. You need a resume that stands out. The resume you build will not only help you build important skills, but will also make it easy to show employers why you’re perfect for the job. As you progress through this Nanodegree program you can update this resume with your new skills and projects.

OPTIONAL Challenge Problems

To help you keep practicing your JavaScript, we've created some optional challenge problems for you.
These bonus problems are not required in order to complete the nanodegree. These problems will also not be evaluated by instructors, however we strongly urge students to try them out. Remember practice makes perfect!

Where to find them

You can find the optional challenge problems at the end of the Javascript Basics course.